Users who have set up SSH-key access to their Ubiquiti Edgerouter may want to add another layer of security by disabling password-access completely. This guide explains how to do that.
Step 1
Log in using your SSH key. A user named charles
, for example, would log into a device at
by typing:
ssh charles@
WAIT Before disabling password access, make absolutely sure that you can log into your Edgerouter using an SSH key. A guide explaining how to set this up can be found here. If you are asked for a password when you log in, stop: You do not have key access set up properly. If you are logged in without being asked for a password, key access is working properly.
Step 2
Having logged in, run the following commands to switch off password access:
set service ssh disable-password-authentication
Step 3
That’s it. You should now be able to log in using SSH-key access only.